Is My New Croton Okay Around Kitty?
Ask The Plant Expert: I got a plant for Mother's Day. It's name is Croton, it's a black waxy leaf with red veins in it. I went online and on one web site it stated that it is highly poisonous to pets and people. I have it on my enclosed patio and my cats go out there all the time. So i was wondering if i should return it? If you could please email me back asap, cause I'd like to keep the plant, but I love my cats and myself more. Thank you for any help, or if your not sure if you could maybe have any ideas on who i could contact. Thank-you, Anneke Flower Shop Network: Yes, the croton house plant is toxic for plants and people, but only if it's digested. If you're cat has a habit of chewing on plants, you may want to try a different plant. However, the plant tastes terrible, and accidental poisonings are rare. If any part of the croton is ingested, it would cause vomiting and/or diarrhea, and in large doses could be fatal. It is also a good idea to wear [...]