4 Classic Thanksgiving Flower Arrangements
Pumpkin patches, the smell of freshly baked goods, fall leaves covering the yard and cooler air are all signs that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Thanksgiving is a time to remind us of the ways we are fortunate. We gather with our friends and family members to enjoy each other's company and delight in sharing a meal. As we spend time together and remember our roots, it's a time to be grateful. Refine the Mind states it this way, "We need often to reflect fondly upon the women and men who have died for our freedom, the loved ones who have sacrificed for our opportunity, the people we're lucky to call our friends, and the qualities and quirks that make each of us, well, us." So as you make room for that second piece of pie this year, think about the many reasons you have to be thankful. Perhaps your mom made a personal sacrifice to help you this year. Maybe your brother really showed you love in a special way. It could be a friend that has always [...]