How To Care For A Peace Lily Received At A Funeral
Ask The Expert: I was give a peace lily for my husbands funeral last April. This is very large plant. I have trouble keeping any house plant. The leaves are dying and turning brown. I've tried leaving the light on in the kitchen because I thought it needed light. I would just hate to loose this plant for many reasons. Can you help me bring my poor peace lily back to a healthy life? Thank you, Nita Plant Expert Reply: I can understand why you want to keep this plant healthy and I will try my best to help you do so. If you haven't removed the peace lily from the decorative foil the florist puts it in do so now. The foil won't allow the peace lily to drain properly. Knowing what the specific care needs for a particular plant is the first step in houseplant survival. Let's see what kind of care peace lilies (Spathiphyluum clevelandii) need. They need bright filtered light, but are tolerant to low light levels. They do not like bright sunlight shining down [...]