Croton? Isn’t That Part of An Atom?
My science teacher would fall backward in his chair if he heard my title for this post. The humor in that visual image alone is enough to keep it. As much as I'd like to believe that a croton goes hand-in-hand with protons, neutrons, and electrons inside an atom--indeed it does not. It's a really fun houseplant. Well, as fun as a houseplant can be since they lack frisbee playing skills. What Most People Know About Croton Plants: Croton (Codiaeum variegatum pictum) plants are tropical plants that thrive outdoors in bright sunlight. They are great patio plants and beautiful additions to walkways and slightly shaded gardens. They like it steamy. We're not talking sauna-steam here. Croton plants do enjoy areas of high humidity though and must be kept consistently moist. Afterall, tropical locations like beaches or lush forests tend to be very moist places. What Most People Don't Know About Croton Plants: I'll admit it. Croton plants are pretty awesome to have [...]