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Red Princess Philodendron Basic Houseplant Care

Red Princess philodendron Plant Care:

The Red Princess philodendron is a great started plant for houseplant beginners due to the ease of care. Red Princess philodendrons are beautiful hybrid plants with large, slightly arched and full leaves that stand out in every room making them great plants for the home, office or cool garden. The Red Princess philodendron is an evergreen vine that thrives in partial shade at moderate temperatures. While blooms on this fast-growing climber may appear at any time during the year, most plants in confinement never bloom.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Light Requirements

Red Princess philodendron flourish best in bright filtered or indirect light. However, the Red Princess philodendron is an excellent houseplant that is able to thrive in the partial shade of the indoors.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Water Requirements

The Red Princess philodendron is commonly a tropical plant, which enjoys a moist environment. The soil surrounding the Red Princess philodendron must be kept moist but without over-saturating or drying out. Water the plant freely during the growing season; spraying or wiping the leaves often with a damp cloth. During the summer, mist the Red Princess philodendron leaves twice daily but water sparingly during the winter.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Fertilizer Requirements

The Red Princess philodendron does well with a well-balanced fertilizer. Grow the philodendron in a soilless potting mix, adding a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Pests and Diseases

Though pests are not normally problematic for the Red Princess philodendron, common pests include insects and fungal problems. Typical fungal problems may include dasheen mosaic virus, scale, root rot, and fungal and bacterial leaf spots. Insects may include mealy bugs, scale insects, and spider mites.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Propagation and Potting

The Red Princess philodendron should be layered or air layered in spring. Also in the spring, sow the seed at 66-75­F. Stem-tip or leaf bud cuttings should be taking during the summer.

Red Princess Philodendron Plant Care: Interesting Facts

Ingestion of any part of the Red Princess philodendron may cause severe discomfort. Contact with sap may cause skin irritation.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) list of poisonous houseplants, most philodendron including Red Princess philodendron are poisonous to many domestic animals such as cats.

The small epiphytic Red Princess philodendron are suitable for a large hanging basket. Support the climbing stems with a moss pole.

Because the Red Princess philodendron is a hybrid, it is often difficult to find a scientific classification for the species of this houseplant. When buying Red Princess plants, most sources will be familiar with the term Philodendron ‘Red Princess’.

Buy Philodendron ‘Red Princess’ from your local florist.