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FSN’s Top Ten Back-to-School Bouquets

Celebrate the start of a brand new school year with flowers! Send the students and teachers in your life a bouquet of fresh flowers to help them kick the new year off right. Check out our top ten back-to-school arrangements for 2021:

High Impact

Be bold and make a statement with this unforgettable arrangement! The impeccable yellow Asiatic lilies are accented beautifully by the lovely lavender roses, pretty purple carnations, and alluring purple statice, creating a superb bouquet. This arrangement is bound to make an impact!


Fun Fuschia

These fun colors are like a flower wonderland! Bold and beautiful, Fun Fuschia is a bright and vibrant arrangement with hot pink roses, pink carnations, lavender lisianthus, yellow oncidium orchids, and more. Send this lovely bouquet to a teacher or student who deserves it!


Rainbow of Blooms

Brighten their first day of school with this dazzling arrangement! Featuring a delightful mix of yellow roses, yellow gerberas, yellow Asiatic lilies, blue ‘BellaDonna’ delphinium, pink spray roses, and more, Rainbow of Blooms is bursting with color! This gorgeous arrangement is sure to make them smile.


Cheerful Yellow

This beautiful basket is full of joy! Featuring gorgeous yellow snapdragons, lilies, daisy poms, and more, Cheerful Yellow is a charming monochromatic masterpiece. Send this sunny basket to a teacher or student you love today!


Epic Bloomers

Show some appreciation for the hard work they do during the school year! This epic bouquet is filled to the brim with hot pink gerberas, spray roses, and lavender alstroemeria, making Epic Bloomers a winner. Help celebrate the start of a new school year with this blooming good arrangement!


Bring on the Happy

Fresh flowers like these are a surefire way to make them smile! With red gerberas, orange roses, yellow lilies and more, there’s no better way to brighten up a room. Send these glowing blooms to the students in your life to make their day!


Enthusiasm Blossoms

These striking flowers are a knockout! The gorgeous blue delphinium stands out strikingly against the lovely orange roses, gerberas, alstroemeria, and more, making Enthusiasm Blossoms a radiant mix. Get the teachers and students in your life excited about the new year with this stunning bouquet!


Stellar Yellow

With beautiful golden yellows and deep purple tones, this flower arrangement is sure to impress! Perfect for kicking off a new school year, this stunning bouquet is filled with yellow roses, purple stock, yellow Asiatic lilies, lavender mini carnations, and purple ‘Sinuata’ statice. Add a pop of color to any classroom and order Stellar Yellow today!


Lucky Seven Gerberas

Luck will be on their side this school year with our Lucky Seven Gerberas arrangement! Stunning pink gerberas, hot pink heather, and lush greens will be the talk of the school when you send them this one! They’re sure to love these happy flowers on any day, but especially the first day of school.


Pink Gerberas & Orchids

This petite arrangement packs a punch! Featuring beautiful pink gerberas, lavender orchids, green hypericum, and more, Pink Gerberas & Orchids is a fun little pick-me-up. With it’s adorable style and fun flair, these flowers are sure to make them smile!


These are just a few of our faves! Tell us your favorite one in the comments below and don’t forget to order some flowers to celebrate the new school year!

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