Hanakotoba: The Japanese Language of Flowers
In the Victorian Era, flowers were used as a means of communication. Each flower had it's own, particular meaning and bouquets were used to send coded messages. People today still send flowers chosen specifically for their flower meanings. Not only did the Western world have its own coded, flower language, the East had one as well— Hanakotoba, the Japanese language of flowers. Although, obviously not as popular today as it once was, Hanakotoba is still used in many Japanese movies and animations. Kanji English Meaning アマリリス Amaryllis Shy アネモネ Anemone (white) Sincere 椿 Camellia (red) In Love 椿 Camellia (yellow) Longing 椿 Camellia (white) Waiting カーネーション Carnation Passion 桜 Cherry Blossom Kind/Gentle 黄菊 Chrysanthemum (yellow) Imperial/Elegant 白菊 Chrysanthemum (white) Truth/Self-Esteem 水仙 Daffodil Respect 天竺牡丹 Dahlia Good Taste 雛菊 Daisy Faith 勿忘草 [...]