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Ask the Expert: what kind of plant is this? is it safe for pets?

I can’t find it on the internet….it’s one of the only things I can grow inside and not kill, because I’m not very good with house plants. Also, I’m keeping it away from my cats since I don’t know what it is or if it’s poisonous. Could you tell me what it is called, and if it’s safe for pets?

Thank you,

Lee Ann / Fort Worth


Lee Ann,

You have a Kalanchoe. Although I haven’t heard of any cats having a problem with Kalanchoe, it is listed as a plant that has some toxicity for cats. According to the ASPCA poison plant list “This plant contains components that can produce gastrointestinal irritation, as well as those that are toxic to the heart, and can seriously affect cardiac rhythm and rate”.  Dogs can also be affected.  However, it is my understanding that they would have to ingest a fair dose to cause severe problems.  Most animals stay away from the plants that are bad for them.  Azaleas are listed as toxic to dogs, but my dogs have lived around Azalea for six years.  If you have a very curious cat who likes to chew on inappropriate items, I would keep it away from the Kalanchoe.


  1. Thank you so much! I definitely will keep it away from my pets. As you can see in the picture, it is in the utility room (strictly off-limits for kitties and dogs!).

    Thanks again,

    Lee Ann / Fort Worth, TX

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