How To Promote Your Shop On Facebook
1. FIND NEW CUSTOMERS - Facebook is great for small businesses because it gives you the ability to search directly for 'fans' in YOUR local area. Simply type your city or surrounding cities into the "SEARCH" box at the top of Facebook. This will give you a list of top 8 profiles, but at the bottom of the list click "See all results from CITY" and it will show you everyone on Facebook close to your location. These are real people from YOUR community. Use your best judgment to friend those who match your customer demographic and will be interested in what you have to say. Facebook also has a feature that suggests friends/pages to their users. If your shop is 'popular' in your area, it will start suggesting itself to other users in your area. How to add friends to your Facebook 2. INTERACT DIRECTLY - Simply interacting with your 'fans' will establish a stronger, more personal relationship. When you post interesting updates to your Facebook wall your fans will [...]