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Why Is My Sansaveria Turning Yellow?

Ask the Expert: I just moved to Southern New Mexico with my large sansevieria.  I was covering it outside, but because of the temperature I brought it inside. Seems there is damage on the tips and I don’t know whether to cut them or wait. If you need more info please let me know. I am freaking out about what is happening. -Dena

Large Sansaveria

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Dena, my guess is this might have happened when your plant was covered. Did you use a plastic covering? If so, it’s possible the plastic held in the humidity and might have gotten too cold. Good news, it will be okay now that it has settled in it’s new home. The yellow tips will not come back however, and should be trimmed from the plant at an angle. If more than 50% of the stalk is yellow, it’s probably best to cut it off at the base. Give your plant some time to recover before fertilizing, moving or doing anything else that might shock the plant’s system.

If plastic was not the issue, double check your watering habits and make sure you only water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Not too much that it is standing in water. During the winter, you do not have to water as much as in warmer weather.

Hope this helps!


  1. Thanks so much, I did give it fertilizer trying to help it out, plus watering once it came in. WOW did all the wrong things. Guess I will wait and see, too gorgeous of a plant to lose. Again thanks.