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Flowers For Mom Style Guide

Style Guide For Mother's Day Flowers
When it comes to buying flowers for Mother’s Day, it can be a bit overwhelming deciding which one is perfect for mom. Don’t worry, Flower Shop Network is here to help! Our flower buying style guide is your source for the perfect gift for mom!

The Classy Mom

Sophisticated, stylish and always full of class.

  • Tips for classy moms: monochromatic color schemes, contemporary styles.
  • Flowers for classy moms: orchids, garden roses, calla lilies, anthurium.
  • Colors ideas: white, coral pinks, ruby red, deep purples

Classy Coral Roses For Mom! Classy Red Flowers For Mom Contemporary Mothers Day Flowers

The Natural Mom

The mom who loves the outdoors — gardening, birdwatching, hiking, this mom is more at home outdoors than in.

  • Tips for natural moms: think garden flowers, terracotta containers, fresh fruit, houseplants, arrangements made on wood.
  • Flowers for natural moms: lilies, roses, tulips, asters, irises, peonies and carnations.
  • Colors: earth tones, emerald green, dusty pink, creams

Mothers Day Fresh Flowers Mothers Day Garden Flowers Mothers Day Houseplant

[Read more…]

Emerald Green Flower Guide


May’s favorite flower color is emerald. This year, we are spotlighting unique flower colors for you to use in custom flower arrangements, wedding bouquets, centerpieces and anywhere else you might need great-looking flowers. To make the chosen colors a little more interesting, we are starting with birthstone colors. Last month’s was diamond-white, and this month it’s emerald green. (Click here for all of our color of the month posts)

When creating your wedding bouquet,

Complimentary Colors for Emerald Green Triad of Colors for Emerald Green

When creating a color scheme using emerald green use the color wheel as your guide! Above you see two examples. The first is the complementary color of emerald, a beautiful magenta, which is sure to bring out the beautiful tones of this shade of green. The second is a triad (3) of color complements to emerald. Green, indigo and chocolate brown make a stunning, jewel-tone combination. You could also go with analogous colors, meaning next to emerald green on the color wheel. So deep emerald mixed with lighter green and even yellow, or the other way, emerald mixed with vivid blues and indigo.

This is a great flower guide for brides looking for unique color palettes and unusual flowers for their wedding. [Read more…]

What are these 2 plants, exactly?

Ask The Plant Expert: First plant to identify is the dark green “elephant eared” typed plant. I have had it inside the house for a while now. It reminds me of a philodendron, but has “wavy” edges ans no holes. The second plant is the Peace Lily. I’m not used to seeing the peace lily having reddish stripes in the flowers. Therefore, Is it really a “peace” lily? – Mikel

Elephant Ear Anthurium

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply: There are some Philodendrons that do look like elephant ears , but I think the first plant is a type of Colocasia or Alocasia commonly known as Taro or Elephant Ear. If I had to base it strictly on the leaf, I would say Alocasia sanderiana.  To really idenitify it I would need a better look at the plant structure – stems, etc.

Bloom structure is like a peace lily, but the leaf structure is completely different than a peace lily. Based on the leaf and bloom together, I would say the second is an Anthurium, most likely an Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo lily).

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

FSN’s Favorite Flower For February: Anthurium

What better choice for our favorite flower of the month than the beautiful Anthurium? It’s heart-shaped flower heads make it perfect for Valentine’s Day. So what’s the best part about sending an Anthurium arrangement to your Valentine? It has a the longest vase life of any cut flower! Anthuriums can last up to a whopping 28 days! Anthuriums add an exotic look to arrangements and can be used with all types of flowers as well as with other tropicals.


• Use: Flower

Type: Herbaceous epiphytes

Height: 15in – 3ft

Name Meaning: Hospitality


Requirements: moist, but well-drained soil. Stake tall varieties.


Blossom Size: 1″-6″ across

Texture: Waxy

Fragrance: none

Silhouette: Heart

Vase Life: 15-28 Days

Colors: purple, yellow, red, orange, pink, white, green and even bi-color

Spathes come in white, yellow, orange, pink, dark purple, maroon, red, green and combination of colors; can change during growth.

Flowering: Spring to Autumn

Flowers Available: Year Round


The genus Anthurium includes over 800, if not thousands, of different species. Many of which are undoubtedly not yet discovered, and new ones are being found every year. These tropical beauties come to us from the wet, tropical mountains of Central and South America. In 1889, Anthurium andreanum was released in to Hawaii by Samuel Damon. It’s popularity grew and soon farmers learned how to propagate with seeds instead of cuttings. This gave rise to the hundreds of colors and styles you see today.

Anthuriums are called many different names — flamingo flower, painted tongue, boy flower, and a few others that may not be suitable in certain company, but the actual name, Anthurium, comes from the Greek, meaning tail flower. All of which undoubtedly derive from the unusual shape of this quirky plant.

The ‘flower’ of the Anthurium is actually a special kind of waxy leaf called a spathe, and the spiky-structure coming out is the spadix. The spadix is covered in the real Anthurium flowers, all teeny-tiny hundreds of them. It also doesn’t have to be straight, many Anthurium spandix are spiraled, curled, globe-shaped, and others.

Anthurium Parts

Anthuriums are a florist favorite because of their incredibly long vase life. Anthurium flowers can last up to 28 days! Imagine a bouquet of Anthurium for your sweetie this Valentine’s Day? Not only are the heart-shaped flowers incredibly romantic, but she can enjoy an entire month of beautiful color and thoughts of you!

*Note* Not all florists carry tropicals in their everyday coolers, but a lot do! Call your florist ahead of time and discuss your Anthurium arrangement. If you’re planning to send an Anthurium arrangement for Valentine’s Day, order now!

Heart-Shaped Anthurium Makes A Great Valentine's Day Flower Anthurium Makes Valentine's Day Rose Alternative Anthurium and Roses Valentine's Day Arrangement


The Standard Anthurium are the ones typically used as cut flowers from your florist, and is the most common variety. They are shaped like perfect Valentine’s Day hearts and generally come in solid colors, though multi-colored patterns are also available. The standard Anthurium flowers range from three to eight inches.

The Tulip Anthurium are similar to the standards except a tad smaller, and instead of a heart-shaped spathe, theirs curls up around the spadix. (Think peace lily, although they are not related.) Most Anthuriums plants are usually scentless, but some varieties of tulip Anthuriums are actually quite fragrant.

There is a third type, the Obake Anthurium, that are BIGGER than other types of Anthurium. “Obake” means ghost in Japanese and these kinds of blooms present an ethereal quality simply because they are so much bigger than other varieties. Another interesting fact about the obake anthurium is that virtually no two contain the exact same mixture of coloration.

We want to hear from you!

Do you grow Anthuriums in your garden? Or have you designed or received a beautiful arrangement filled with these gorgeous flowers? Post a pic in the comments below and we’ll add it to this post! We can’t wait to hear from you.

*Note that this is FSN’s favorite flower of the month. The actual flower of February is the violet.

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Proper Care For An Anthurium Flamingo Flower
Anthurium Water & Fertilizer Requirements

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Anthurium Water & Fertilizer Requirements

Ask the Expert: How often should I water my pink Anthurium?
Should I water it every day or once a week ? should I add plant food or keep it in or out of the sun ? Donna Marie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Anthurium do best in a humid environment. Therefore, you need to water evenly and spray with luke warm water. This will vary depending on your specific conditions. In an area that has a hot dry climate, you may need to mist your anthurium every day and water every couple of days. In a humid environment you may go a week or two without watering.

The best rule of thumb is to do the soil squeeze test. Stick your finger down in the soil up to your first joint. Pull a small amount of soil out. If you can roll the soil into a ball and squeeze out water or if the ball stays together, you don’t need to give the plant anymore water. If you can’t roll the soil into a ball and it is powdery, give it some water.

As for fertilizer, during the growing season you can give it a light water soluble fertilizer every two to three weeks.  Don’t fertilize during the winter. The plant will tend to need more water during the spring and summer even if kept inside. During the fall and winter, you can reduce your watering depending on your specific environmental conditions.

Transplanting A Healthly Anthurium

Ask the Expert: Transplanting a healthy anthurium
I was given what appears to be a healthy anthurium plant. It has 6 healthy leaves and is growing another. However, the literature I have read implies that the best growing medium should be more course than the medium in which it is presently growing. The medium appears to be very fine, almost a fine muck. Would it be wise to remove the medium and repot it into a more aereated medium with larger bark particles and less fine peat moss? Thank you for any assistance in this matter. NicNat

Plant Expert Reply:
I’m a live and let live kind of person. If someone or something is happy and healthy with its living conditions, I usually leave it alone. If you decide to transplant plant the Anthurium, you will want to use a humus-rich soil. So what constitutes a humus-rich soil? Soil that has a strong base of organic material (partially decayed plants and animals) and particles that allow for good drainage (course sand, perlite, vermiculite etc) makes for a suitable humus-rich soil. This soil does not have to be extremely course in texture. Your “fine muck”, as long as it drains well, could be a humus-rich soil and the reason the plant is thriving.

When transplanting the Anthurium don’t try to remove the existing soil from the roots. Simply shaking any loose soil from the plants and place in the new pot with humus-rich soil. Be sure to keep the plant level the same as it was in the old pot.

Good luck with your Anthurium and keep me posted.

Using Anthurium As A Landscape Plant

Ask The Expert: Can antherium be grown outside in summer (shade conditions).  I am landscaping a backyard pond. Linda

Plant Expert Reply:

You can use Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) in your landscape.  However, you will need the proper conditions for it to thrive.  Plant the Anthurium in filtered light (shade) with the crowns just above the humus-rich and moist soil surface. Cover the uppermost roots with sphagnum moss. You can use a light covering of mulch around the  rest of the plant.  You will need to provide a humid enviornment.  Misting the area around the plant daily in a dry climate.  Use a balance fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks.  I recommend a water soluable fertilizer.

So plant away and send a picture when you get the Anthurium planted.

Cottony Webby Substance on Houseplant

Cottony Cushion Scale

Cottony Cushion Scale

Ask the Expert: what is the cottony/cob webby build up?
I have a Anthirium I have had it for a few monthes and it has been doing fantastic until i discovered That i was over watering it. I have now cut down on watering it and have been keeping a very close eye on it and it seems as though over night it has some sort of web like build up in the almost dead bloom. I guess it might be dust but it really doesn’t look like it and for it to build up that fast, I just want to know if this is normal, if i should remove it, or cut the bloom off altogether. Tiffany

Spider Mite Webbing

Spider Mite Webbing


I am attaching pictures to help with identification.  If it looks like the first picture (from Arizona Cooperative Extension) which is cottony cushion scale, you will need an insecticide that is safe for houseplants.  Your local garden center should have Fetilome whitefly & mealbug killer for houseplant – or at least something similar.

The second photo (from CSU/Denver County  Extension Master Gardener) is caused by a spider mite. You will need an insecticide that will get rid of spider mites. Again, your local garden center should have this product.

Hopefully your problem looks like one of these.  There are many insects that can cause this problem.  This ususally happens when the plant has been in a stressful situation like over-watering.  Once you apply the proper insecticide and correct the water issue the plant will bounce right back.

Good Luck and keep me posted.

Dividing A Flamingo Flower (Anthurium)

Flamingo Flower

Flamingo Flower

Ask the Expert: How do I split My flamingo plant
It is very large & has been repotted several times – is it possible to split it without causing to much damage. Elaine


Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) can be propagated by division.  You will need to remove the plant from its pot.  Check for any off-shoots or ariel roots.  These will be plant that are attached to the main stem but can easily be remove and still have a complete root foliage system.  Some people refer to these as “babies”.  You will remove them from the main stem and pot them in the same kind of soil as the parent plant.  Care for them the same as the parent plant.  I would not recommend splitting this plant in half.

How Do You Keep A Flamingo Plant Warm?

Ask the Expert: How to keep a Flamingo Plant “warm”‘?
Hi, I’ve just been given a lovely flamingo flower plant.  I had a quick chat to a nursery owner over the phone, and they said the room it’s situated in should never be under 10 degrees Celsius, or it will die.

I”m a little worried, as it can get quite cold where I live, especially during night.  I don’t think it goes below zero degrees in the house, but I”m sure it drops below 10C.

Could someone please advise me on how to keep my flamingo plant “warm” so it doesn’t freeze?  Karyn


Unless your house drops below 50degrees for a substantial part of the night, you should be ok.  Normally a drop in the temperature accompanied by frost is what really does the damage.  Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) needs a high humidity environment with constant temperature.  So as long as your house doesn’t go from one extreme to another in a very short period of time the plant won’t have a problem.  Of course the higher the temperature the better the Flamingo plant will do.  Optimum temperature for it would be 78 to 90degrees during the day and 68 to 80 at night.  However, this is the way most people keep their homes.  Most people find Flamingo will work with their normal household temperatures.  I would place it in the warmest room in your house that has bright filtered light and occassionaly mist it with warm water.  Good Luck and keep me posted.