My Christmas cactus has not bloomed the last 2 years. I love my cactus and have not had the problem before. I get new growth, but no blooms. -Loree
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Like poinsettias, daylight length is a major blooming factor for Christmas Cactus. Blooming is triggered by short days. If the cactus doesn’t receive the right short-day light exposure, the plant will not bloom.
To force your Christmas cactus to bloom place the plant in a dark bedroom, or cover for 15 hours a day. Do this for up to 30 days. Once the bloom buds appear the plant can be returned to its usual viewing location.
Be careful not to exposure the plant to extreme temperatures since this will cause pre-mature bud drop/loss.
Hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.