What are these 2 plants, exactly?
Ask The Plant Expert: First plant to identify is the dark green "elephant eared" typed plant. I have had it inside the house for a while now. It reminds me of a philodendron, but has "wavy" edges ans no holes. The second plant is the Peace Lily. I'm not used to seeing the peace lily having reddish stripes in the flowers. Therefore, Is it really a "peace" lily? - Mikel Flower Shop Network's Plant Expert Reply: There are some Philodendrons that do look like elephant ears , but I think the first plant is a type of Colocasia or Alocasia commonly known as Taro or Elephant Ear. If I had to base it strictly on the leaf, I would say Alocasia sanderiana. To really idenitify it I would need a better look at the plant structure - stems, etc. Bloom structure is like a peace lily, but the leaf structure is completely different than a peace lily. Based on the leaf and bloom together, I would say the second is an Anthurium, most likely an Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo [...]