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June Newsletter 2016

June 29th, 2016 | By: Rachel Brantley

See What Happened on the 

Bloomin’ Blog in June! 

 Only at a local florist can you trust that your money is going directly towards a high-quality arrangement. See what makes a local florist unique and why it is important to always shop local.


Flower Spotlight

Flower Spotlight: Lilies

Let’s start the summer off by learning about the fourth most popular flower in the world, lilies. Lilies are popular for their large trumpet-shaped petals and strong scent.

Extend the Life of Your Arrangement

It is so sad when a beautiful flower arrangement starts to wilt. Slow down this process and keep your flowers looking fresh longer with these expert flower care tips.
Flower Shop Network | 800.858.9925 |www.flowershopnetwork.com

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