Are you one to have a difficult time expressing the emotions you feel in writing? Well, let me tell you something…you’re not alone! There are so many people that rather express what they feel in actual spoken words, but sometimes having that little unexpected note makes the occasion even more special. So, here are a few card message ideas you can use to accompany the floral piece you choose to send this month!
October Birthdays
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful person I know! Your existence makes life much more interesting ;)
Know what you and wine have in common? Both keep getting better with age! Happy Birthday!
Get Well (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
We pray each day for you to continue fighting with the strength and grace you’ve always shown. We love and keep you in our thoughts – ALWAYS.
Cancer has no idea who it picked a fight with! You’re the strongest person I know. We love you so much!

Wild Ivy
National Boss’s Day
Thank you so much for being understanding and for everything you do to keep the team motivated to continue doing a good job. We appreciate you, boss!
Thank you so much for always making us feel appreciated. Happy day, boss!
Trick or flowers? I figured you wouldn’t pick trick, so I got you flowers instead! Have a spooky day!
It’s Halloween! Know what that means? Time to eat the kids’ candy! No, don’t do that. I got you some flowers!
When you head to your local florist to buy flowers, feel free to use any of this card messages or use them to inspire you and be creative! Happy October!
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