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What Type Of Rose Is This From Italy

Ask the Expert: What type of Rose is this?
We found this rose on our travels through Italy. See the pictures attached. It looks like a Grandiflora, with a yellow bud. The bud turns into pink and rose.

What type of rose is it and will it survive in Zone 5 or 6 (Southern Ontario)?

And even better, where can I get one?


Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Replay: Grandiflora roses are a cross between a hybrid tea and a floribunda. Their flowers grow in clusters and the plant is usually tall. Both of these qualification seem to be present in the rose in question. Since I am not an expert  rosarian, I can not say with certainty which grandiflora it is.

However, I can tell you that there are many rose varietiesthat start out in one color in bud form and mature to another color. A few of those varieities are Dream Come True, Heart o’ Gold, Rio Samba and Joesph’s Coat. If you want a rose that closley resembles the one in the picture I would choose Dream Come True. It is a grandiflora rose that is hardy to zone 5. The best place to get one is at your local garden center & nursery. These professionals will not only have the roses, but will explain what is needed to make them grow successfully in your area.

Planting Roses: What You Should Do

Ask The Expert: hi, my name is kim, i am new at gardening, so i would

like to ask you some question.

1. what color rose bushes do,- you have?  i have some, that are a stick in a bag of dirt.

2.where do i store them and how do i feed and water them?  until they are ready to plant.

3. what about plant food, do i give them food, while they are in the bag or wait till i plant them, to give them food?

4. after, i plant the roses, how long will it take for them to bloom?

5. when is the best time to plant them?

i need the month, last year i-  planted stuff, in the middle of may, wich was to late.

thank you Kim in Carnegie PA

Plant Expert Reply:

Q1 – Although roses are loved and adored by Flower Shop Network, they do not sell roses plants.  However, there are several quality nursery & garden centers in your area (Carnegie PA) that do sells roses. The Pennsylvania Nursery Association has a list of garden centers for your area –  just go to  http://www.gardenpa.com/Custom/PLNASearch.aspx.

Q2 – Bagged roses need to be taken out of the bag as soon as possible and soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours. This will help re-hydrate them.  After the soaking period is up, they must be planted. You can accomplish this one of two ways – you can plant them in a container or plant them in the ground. Either way the soil needs to be a mixture of sand and well-composted bark material. Depending on the ph, you might need to adjust the ph with a little hydrated lime. When you plant the rose make sure the crown is above the soil level – the crown is the knot between the roots and the canes. I also recommend pruning each cane just slightly.

Q3 –  Once the rose has been planted, you can water it in with a light solution of water soluble fertilizer followed a couple weeks later with a granular slow-release fertilizer. Your local garden center and nursery will have the fertilizer you need.

Q4 – Blooming depending on several things  – whether the roses blooms on new or old growth, sunlight, temperature and variety. At my families garden center, we mostly sell roses that bloom on new growth. These roses usually bloom within 60 days from the time we pot them. (We don’t carry bagged roses – we bring in root stock and grow our own roses – container grown [Read more…]