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Fighting To Save Lucky Bamboo

Ask the Expert: Ongoing Fight to Save Lucky Bamboo Stalk

“When I was jogging about 4 years ago, I found this Lucky Bamboo stalk on the top of someone’s trash and took him home. He’s always been in a glass vase with water and sat outside in the enclosed patio in south Florida. I’ve never had a problem until a week ago when the top of the stalk became yellow.

I removed him from the water, trimmed back all of the roots, and cut the stalk about a half-inch below where the yellow stopped. I had to repeat the process a week later and then again, today, but this time, I cut it significantly beneath the yellow and quickly applied cinnamon onto the cut. I also submerged the roots in clean water with some hydrogen peroxide. The thing is that there is a smell about him, but It seems to be coming from the middle of the stalk. It he doomed? Will the yellow continue to grow from the top, seemingly out of nowhere? He did grow brand spanking new, white roots in the last few days so that seems healthy.

Here are some photos: The yellow top I cut off today, the new roots, the freshly cut stalk. (Any brown powder is the cinnamon) Thank you SO MUCH for any advice. I really want to save this guy!” Erika


Plant Expert Reply:

Stalk looks fairly healthy. A couple of questions: Is the brown towards the bottom of the stalk cinnamon? Why did you place cinnamon on the cut and do you always cut straight across?

When cutting lucky bamboo or any other plant, you should make the cut at a 45 degree angle. This allows for the plant to heal properly without creating a dieback situation. The straight cut could be part of your problem.

Are you seeing any lesions on the stalk — see the image in this post Lucky Bamboo With Fungus .

I am also concerned about submerging the roots in hydrogen peroxide. How strong was the solution? Lucky bamboo is [Read more…]

Even Florists Need Inspiration

Re-energize Your Life, Business and Relationships

Ever have a day when life feels like a concrete block attached to your leg? For most of us, this feeling occurs not just once, but several times through-out life.

Gift of Flowers QuoteFlowers often help me defeat this overwhelming and unproductive feeling. While there are other things that can restore my energy and positive outlook, flowers just seem to be my go-to. I know I can turn to Judith, my local florist, for a pick-me-up anytime I need to re-engerize my life. I am not the only one who turns to their local florist for inspiration, motivation or restoration.

Florists Are More Than Designers

When you think about it, florists are not just designers, they are inspirationalists. Their creations can, and are used to help people enjoy life and be successful. After all, success in life comes from good perspective and positive attitude.

Re-energizing At FSN

So, why all the talk about inspiration, motivation and re-energizing your life? Recently, all Flower Shop Network employees had the great opportunity to meet Jim Morack, as he shared his wonderful insights about life. His friendly disposition, combined with an uncomplicated approach, created a very stirring sense of revitalized energy for everyone at Flower Shop Network.

Jim Morack’s Tips For Revitalizing Life

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, florists may find themselves overwhelmed and frustrated. Meeting Jim, attending his seminar and reading his book, “Learning From Life – Simple Ideas To Add More Joy To Your Life,” gave me the spark I needed to refocus and revitalize my life. I wanted to share a few of the take-a-ways that gave me an “AHA” moment. Hopefully, you will gain some insight that will motivate and assist you in achieving everything you want, both personally and professionally.

  • We often let day-to-day activities consume us, getting in the way of fulfilling our hopes, dreams, desires and goals. To achieve your goals you must first believe in them. Visualizing the success of your goal can and will strengthen the realization that your goal is attainable. Without a finish-line, the race will be unbearable.
  • No man is an island unto himself: no goal can be realized without the contribution of others. You must build a strong connection with people; whether it’s with family, co-workers, customers or business partners, all are necessary for your success.
  • Goals are not dependent on job titles. Every member of your company is involved in sales and customer service. Teach yourself and lead employees with the attitude “There are no problems only opportunities”.
  • You are the only thing keeping you from accomplishing your goals. You are always one good decision away from achieving any goal. Your attitude is what drives your success.

Florist Marketing Quotes

None of the tidbits above are earth-shattering or breaking news, but sometimes we need a reminder to get us back on track. So as you work to inspire and motivate others with your designs, don’t forget to find time to recharge your own batteries.

What Is This Houseplant?

Ask The Plant Expert: “Hi, my names is James. I have a plant in my house and I would like you to identify it. I have attached a photo.”

Type of Philodendron

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Are These Weeds In My Pasture Toxic To Goats?

Ask The Plant Expert: “Can you identify these weeds? Please Help! I am in Central California and want to pasture some milk goats. I know the one with yellow “fruit” is a member of the Nightshade family and deadly to goats. Please help me identify what is growing here!” – Mad Science

Wild Yellow Fruit Could Be Deadly Redstem Filaree

Malva parviflora -Mallow Erodium

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What Is This Succulent With Hot Pink Flowers?

Ask the Expert:

Can you identify this plant? It likes sun.. The flowers are bright pink –Phyllis

Pink Flowering Plant - Aptenia cordifolia variegata

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Luffa: Dicot or Monocot?

Ask The Expert: Luffa

I just want to know whether luffa is monocot or dicot. Based on my understanding, it is a dicot plant, but my lecturer said that luffa is monocot plant. can someone help? – Zulaikha

Luffa Seedlings

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What Is Causing My Plant To Drip Sap?

Ask the Plant Expert:

I am finding odd brown colored fluid dripping on the sides of my outdoor potted plant. What is causing it, and how can I get rid of it? I can’t see anywhere on the leaves where it could be coming from. Thank you. – Lisa

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like you might have damage from borers. Did you happen to see any ants climbing up the trees? Ants aren’t a problem, but they often indicate that borers are in your tree. Borers are a problem. Borers are a larvea, usually placed by a type of beetle into the trunk of trees and plants. The borers cause damage from the inside out, often creating a hole in which the sap of the tree is released. What kind of plant/tree is it?

Your local garden center nursery will have the right chemical to kill the borers.

Plant Expert Needs Help With Queensland Plant

Ask the Expert:

Could you please identify this plant. We live in Queensland Australia. It is a soft stemmed plant with a long tap root that is purple in colour. – Errol

Queensland Plant Queensland Plant Flower Buds

Plant Expert Reply:

Sorry to be so tardy in with my identification, but I am having a difficult time. My initial thought was that it was a type of Datura or Brugmansia. However, the blooms of these plants are large and appear at the end of the stalk rather than on the stems. The bloom look like they belong to Phytolacca Americana. So I am not really sure.

Hopefully one of the blog reader will have an idea of what this plant is. READERS PLEASE HELP IDENTIFY THIS PLANT.

What is Wrong With My Schefflera?

Ask the Expert: Please help me identify the problem with this plant!

A dear friend of mine gave me a cutting off her HUGE and prolific plant about 1.5 years ago. Around the same time, I believe I brought some insects in with some bad potting soil. I have sprayed with Bayer Natria Insect, disease & mite control as well as another Bayer insect killer. After I treat, I usually find dead insects around the plant which look like fruit flies. The plant seems to put out new growth but looks wilted.

I forgot to tell you this plant usually lives on the windowsill facing south of our house which has blind-filtered light. I have moved it to other areas such as by a room with north and east facing windows with filtered light and a north window. The mother plant lives in a north-facing sliding glass door and is a prolific grower to say the LEAST! I have repotted twice in the 1.5 years. I water only when the surface soil seems dry.

Schefflera With Distorted Leaves Schefflera With Yellow Veined Leaves

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Can This Yellowing, Umbrella Plant Recover?

Ask the Expert: Can this plant recover?

The plant shown in the picture is turning yellow; it was ok until recently. The soil is hard, and I can’t tell if I’m watering it too much or too little. Some parts seem healthy but others seem to be unhealthy. Please also let me know what the plant is. Thanks for any help you can offer. Paul

Cyperus alternifolius - Umbrella Plant Cyperus alternifolius - Umbrella Plant stems

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