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Archives for July 2009

Pink Vining Shrub Is A Mandevilla

Ask the Expert: Please help me identify this flower/shrub



I would really love to know what sort of bush this is… if you could, I would be very grateful. Brooke

Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is a vining shrub called mandevilla. It once went by the name Dipladenia splendens but the correct name is Mandevilla x amoena. At my husband’s garden center, we sell a cultivar called Alice du Pont. The plants are hardy in zones 9-11 and live year round. In zone 8 they die back in the winter and came back from the roots in the spring. In all other zones it is treated as an annual.

It loves full sun. Although a little mid-day shade is appreciated. They like plenty of moisture but it must have well-drained soil.

Toledo Florist & Gifts Excels In Customer Service!

Ever wish that you knew someone who would go out of their way to make your order perfect, special and unique? That person is Kim at Toledo Florist & Gifts. Talk to anyone in Toledo, Oregon and they’ll tell you how Toledo Florist & Gifts is THE best place to go for flowers, unique gifts produced locally, and exceptional customer service.

It’s hard to hear a bad word about Kim at Toledo Florist & Gifts and I have yet to find someone who has one. In fact, a view of the testimonials for this flower shop reveals only praise. In a customer-oriented industry like the floral industry, mastering both floral design and customer satisfaction is something to be very proud of. Toledo Florist & Gifts, you deserve a pat on the back!

I rarely hear stories of a florist who offers to go so far out of their way to please a customer. One of Kim’s customers mentioned how Kim even offered to stop by the store and pick up cookies for a child’s classroom to deliver with the order. Wow! What’s even more impressive is that Kim just does these things because it’s who she is. She doesn’t do it for the recognition or the glory. She doesn’t do it so that she can BE the best florist in Toledo, Oregon. She just IS.

If you’re looking for a special florist that will deliver flower arrangements and gifts above every expectation, you’ll do well to visit Kim at Toledo Florist & Gifts in Toledo Oregon.

Just Call Her Veronica

Ask the Expert: Can you identify this flower?

Veronica spicata

Veronica spicata

My wife and I saw this flowering plant in a garden near our home and we were intigued.  It stands only about a foot tall and the blue flowering stems are only about 6 inches in length.  I have attached a picture.  Can you identify it for us? Cliff

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like a perennial called Veronica spicata,  possibly ‘Darwin Blue’ or ‘Royal Candles’.  I have a different Veronica spicata  cultivar ‘Blue Bouquet’ in my garden and I love it.  It performs very very in my area and is an attractive backdrop for the soft pink ground cover rose in my garden.  Veronica is also known as Speedwell and a fantastic summer bloomer.

Dying Lucky Bamboo – Yellow and Brown Stalk

Hi Jamie

Browning Lucky Bamboo
Browning Lucky Bamboo

I recently came across some of your posts regarding what i believe is lucky Bamboo.  I know nothing about plants this one was left by my ex and i have noticed that it has started to turn yellow and has some funny Little brown dots on the stems it doesn’t look to great, i’ve attached a few pictures and any advice would be very welcome.

thanks in advance.


When I received this email and before I saw the pictures, I thought it can’t be that bad.  I was wrong.  At this point your lucky bamboo is damaged beyond repair.  The only hope you have is to start a new plant off the section that still is green.

You will need to clean the container with hot soapy water, as well as any pebbles or rocks.  Make sure to rinse all thoroughly.  Then you will need to cut the green part of the plant away from the diseased stalks.  Once the green part is cut off, it the cut end into rooting hormone – you can get powder rooting hormone at your local garden center.  Let the powder dry on the cut and then place in your container filled with distilled water.  In a few weeks, new roots will form and you will have a new lucky bamboo plant.

Just a little side note – Most lucky bamboo that turns yellow is caused by too much fertilizer or light.  In your case the lucky bamboo didn’t just turn yellow, it also developed little brown spots. This leads me to believe you that your stems had some type of fungus.  Treating lucky bamboo for fungus is a tricky thing.  It is usually better to start new ones than to try to save the diseased stalks.

Good luck and let me know if you need more instruction on how to propagate new lucky bamboo stalks.

Can Lucky Bamboo Replace Peace Lilies In Betta Fish Bowls?


Plant Expert Reply:

As far as I know lucky bamboo is not harmful to fish.  However, a long-term relationship between the two is probably not a good idea.  Although lucky bamboo will live in water, most fish forums do not recommend it for use in an aquarium.  I’m not sure why. It maybe an oxygen issue or something else.  (This might make a good science experiment for a high school student.) My suspicion is that the roots of the lucky bamboo will rapidly take over the bowl which is something the fish do not like.

As for the wedding, I see nothing wrong with using the lucky bamboo in the centerpieces.  I would use 3 or 6 stalks of lucky bamboo per centerpiece (which represents happiness) .  At the head table, I would create a larger centerpiece with 21 stalks (blessings).

Red or gold ribbon is often tied around lucky bamboo for extra lucky or good fortune. You may want to tie ribbon the same color of the bridesmaids dresses or wedding bouquets around your stalks instead.

Good luck and keep me posted.  When you create the wedding centerpieces, you should submit a photo of them to WeddingandPartyNetwork.com. They have an awesome wedding flower photo gallery.  Just think, you might start a new wedding trend.

Need A Fresh Flower Decorating Tip For A Back-To-School Party?

Back to school parties are the highlight of the summer. They set the tone for the rest of the school year. After a long summer’s vacation (or a short one for year-round schools), it’s always nice to throw a little celebration that welcomes in the new school year and says goodbye to summer vacation. It’s not a time to mope though! Back to school parties are fun, exciting, refreshing gettogethers with friends. Where’s a cause for sadness in that??

So now that we’re up to speed on the tone of a back to school party it’s time to talk about decorating. Fresh flowers are, as with any party, the best way to bring life and vitality to the celebration. Streamers, balloons, and party utensils are all well and good. What really gets the party decorations bumping though–why, that’s flowers of course!

Here Are Some Clever Fresh Flower Decorating Tips for A Back To School Party

  • Match the color of the flower arrangement to the decorations. If the team colors are black and gold, live it up with black and gold flowers! (Yes, it CAN be done!) If they are red and white, use red and white. And so on and so forth.
  • Use your child’s favorite color(s) as the theme of the flower arrangements. This will help your child feel like they had a special hand in the party and that it really is something to celebrate part of their life.
  • Ask each child to bring one fresh flower to the party. Use these to create a bouquet or two. Place these at the center of the room so that each child will be able to view their contribution. If an outdoor party, create a centerpiece for the picnic table or food table using the same idea.
  • Decorate the main table with fresh flowers then give each child one as they leave. Stems of flowers are excellent gifts for young middle school children and older children. Young children are easily amused and glad to receive any gift. Older children recognize the significance and may choose to preserve the flowers, especially if it’s the Back To School Party for their senior year.

Have any other ideas? Send them our way by placing them in the comments box below. Who knows? Your idea may make it THE Back To School Party of the new millenium!

Looks Like A Purple Crinum Lily

Crinum Lily

Crinum Lily

Ask the Expert: id a mexican flowering plant
If found this flowering plant in Matzaclan, Mexico. It maybe from a buld.  There was no one to ask what it was, so I took a picture of it. Maybe you can id it or let me know where I can go to get identified.

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like a Crinum Lily – maybe a Crinum strictum or Crinum americanum.  Crinum strictum are native to Mexico and is sometimes referred to as Texas Swamplily.   It is a bulb which reproduces very slowly.  If left undisturbed will bloom with out fail for many years.

Remember The Birth Month Flower of August?

People who received a birthday bouquet full of the birth month flower of August probably remember what it is. If you’ve read last year’s August birth month flower blog, “Glad To Have Gladiolus”, you probably remember also.

Ok. So I just gave you a huge hint. Don’t make me have to work here.

Red Gladiolus Are A Great August Birthday Gift!

Red Gladiolus Are A Great August Birthday Gift!

The birth month flower of August is the gladiola. Though poppy holds this title, you’re not going to find it in a birthday bouquet from your local florist. What you are likely to find in a birth month flower birthday bouquet is a wide range of flowers centered around (or at least including) gladiolus in orange or red. Why orange and red? Because orange, red and light green are the official birth month flower colors for August.

Ready for the flower meaning of gladiolus? “Strength of character; Sincerity; Generosity; Natural Grace” These together make a gladiolus birthday bouquet one of the most meaningful, sweet gifts that you can send! Florists use gladiolus often because it’s a fresh and beautiful flower with a lot of features that enhance each arrangement. Add in a dash of meaning and a hint of happy birthday wishes and you have a great birthday gift!

Summer flowers like the gladiolus are perfect for August birthdays. Orange and red are excellent colors to represent the full summer sun, the breezy sunsets of the summer, and the way the seasons are preparing to change. Just before the leaves begin to turn color, August birthdays are very special because they are shared by people who are always on the cusp of something great. Luckily for you, it’s easy to find a birthday gift for someone this fantastic. Just ask your local florist about August birth month flowers.

Get Rid of the Glum With These Get Well Soon Card Messages

I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people that needs attention when I’m sick. Go ahead! Take care of me! I’m a big ole’ baby. I understand that not everyone is this way, but there is no convincing me that a “get well soon” gift is unhelpful. Quite the opposite in fact. Gifts make the recipient feel special and appreciated. It’s easy to feel mopey dopey when you’re sick. It’s not easy to feel good and great and wonderful. This is why I find so much pleasure in some of the tried and true gifts like flowers when I’m feeling down and out.

You’ve heard the old adage “laughter is the best medicine.” It’s a proven fact that smiling releases chemicals that induce happiness and have a healing effect on the body. Isn’t it amazing what the power of a smile can do? When you know someone that is sick or in need of a cheery smile, send flowers and bid them “get well soon.” Flower arrangements delight the heart and practically induce it to beat happily. Why not pass this feeling along to someone ailing?

There are so many reasons to send “get well soon” flowers with a happy card message. Whether your friend is ailing or just down in the dumps, he or she is going to need a pick-me-up to get them back in a pleasant demeanor. The flowers get them excited and happy, but get well soon card messages send a very specific message of encouragement. Get well soon messages can be funny, humble, peppy, somber or a mixture of these. Whatever you choose to say to your sick friend, wish them well with one of the get well soon card messages in this list compiled by local florists.

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed Get Well Soon Card Messages

1)       Hope you’re back on your feet soon.

2)       Hoping you feel better.

3)       Hang in there. You’ll feel better in no time.

4)       Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

5)       Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.

6)       Wishing you a speedy recovery.

7)       Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery.

8)       We hope you feel better because we miss you so much.

9)       Thinking of you during your recovery.

10)     Hope you soon feel at your best–Just as good as new, for nothing but the best of health is good enough for you!

Want to view all get well soon enclosure card messages? Follow the link to find more than 25 favorites brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

Azalea Issues Leading to Browning

Ask the Expert: how to revive an azalea
my grandpa has three azalea bushes on the front of his house. they are kinda small. but one of the end ones isn’t doing too great. half of it basically looks dead and the other half isn’t spectacular but it looks a good bit better than the other half. the leaves and stems are turning brown as if they’re drying out but they have had plenty of water due to rainfall. he has treated it with some sort of triple threat funguside called fertiloan that is supposed fight fungus and mites but it still does not look good. any suggestions on what type of treatment it might need? Tim

Plant Expert Reply:
First, you might as well prune out the brown branches that are dead. This will do 2 things: 1) removes any disease tissue that might have twig blight, 2) should stimulate the plant to produce new growth. Don’t burn the branches instead place them in a garbage bag for pick up.

Second, make sure the azaleas are not getting too much water. Over-watering can present the same signs as under-watering and Azalea do not like wet feet. They are very susceptible to root rot. If your Azalea are newly planted, check the planting depth. The original top of the rootball should be slightly higher than ground level.

Planting An Azalea

Planting An Azalea

This drawing is my attempt at demonstrating the correct root-ball placement when planting an azalea. You want the root-ball positioned so that the top is slightly higher than ground level. You will take the soil you dug out of the hole and used it to close the gap but you won’t need to place it on top of the root-ball. You can cover the top of the ground and root-ball top with mulch. If the Azaleas are planted too deep, they will not properly drain and the plant could have problems just like the ones you are describing.

If water isn’t the issue, give the triple action time to work. It won’t correct the damage already done, but it will keep it from progressing. Spider mites and fungus can also cause Azaleas to turn brown. Triple Action has the right mixture to take care of both problems.

If you haven’t fertilized the azaleas, give them a dose of fertilizer specifically blended for azaleas. Your local garden center should have one. At our garden center we carry a Fertilome Azalea fertilizer and a Hi-yield Fertilizer that work well. Azaleas need a slow-release fertilizer once a month April thru August.

Good luck and keep me posted.